Le negoziazioni con oggetto la vendita dei nostri prodotti sottostanno esclusivamente al diritto svizzero. Le parti convengono l’esclusione di qualsivoglia altro diritto risp. l’esclusione dell’applicabilità della convenzione di Vienna.
Pe qualsivoglia controversi in relazione la presente contratto le parti pattuiscono il foro di Lugano.
- La nostra politica di rimborso e restituzione dura 14 giorni. Se sono trascorsi 14 giorni dall’acquisto (pagamento per i prodotti online, ricezione per i prodotti spediti), non possiamo offrirti un rimborso completo o uno scambio.
Per poter beneficiare di un reso, il tuo articolo deve essere inutilizzato e nelle stesse condizioni in cui lo hai ricevuto. Deve anche essere nella confezione originale.
Sono esenti dal reso diverse tipologie di merce, quali:
- Prodotti software
Per completare il tuo reso, richiediamo una ricevuta o una prova d’acquisto
In particolare, nelle seguenti circostanze, ad esclusiva valutazione ed a completa descrizione dell’infrascritta società, potranno venir concessi rimborsi parziali:
- Articoli con evidenti segni di utilizzo
- Qualsiasi articolo che non sia nelle sue condizioni originali, che sia danneggiato o con parti mancanti per ragioni non dovute a un nostro errore
- Qualsiasi articolo restituito più di 14 giorni dopo la consegna
Codici promozionali
I codici promozionali non sono cumulabili, hanno una durata di tempo e in caso di codici promozionali personalizzati si possono utilizzare una sola volta.
Commissioni in base al tipo metodo di pagamento
Ogni metodo di pagamento può avere una propria commissione, la stessa è in percentuale e viene calcolata sul costo dei prodotti e delle spedizioni. La percentuale può variare e per ogni metodo di pagamento viene visualizzato l’importo dovuto alla voce “Commissione pagamento…”
Procedura di rimborso
Una volta ricevuto e ispezionato il tuo reso, ti invieremo un’e-mail per informarti che abbiamo ricevuto l’articolo restituito. Ti informeremo anche dell’approvazione o del rifiuto del tuo rimborso.
Se viene approvato, il rimborso verrà elaborato e un credito verrà automaticamente applicato alla tua carta di credito o metodo di pagamento originale, entro un determinato numero di giorni.
Rimborsi in ritardo o mancanti
Se non hai ancora ricevuto un rimborso, controlla di nuovo il tuo conto bancario.
Quindi contatta la compagnia della tua carta di credito, potrebbe volerci del tempo prima che il tuo rimborso venga ufficialmente registrato.
Poi contatta la tua banca. Spesso occorre un tempo di elaborazione prima che venga pubblicato un rimborso.
Se hai fatto tutto questo e non hai ancora ricevuto il rimborso, contattaci all’indirizzo
Articoli in saldo
Solo gli articoli a prezzo normale possono essere rimborsati. Gli articoli in saldo non possono essere rimborsati.
Sostituiamo gli articoli solo se difettosi o danneggiati. Se hai bisogno di cambiarlo con lo stesso articolo, inviaci un’e-mail a e invia il tuo articolo a:
Katia Rezzonico
Via Vecchio Tram 30
6964 Davesco-Soragno
Spedizione e resi
Per restituire il prodotto, è necessario inviare il prodotto a:
Katia Rezzonico
Via Vecchio Tram 30
6964 Davesco-Soragno
Sarai responsabile del pagamento delle tue spese di spedizione per la restituzione del tuo articolo. Le spese di spedizione non sono rimborsabili. Se ricevi un rimborso, il costo della spedizione di ritorno verrà detratto dal tuo rimborso.
A seconda di dove vivi, il tempo necessario affinché il prodotto scambiato ti raggiunga può variare.
Se stai restituendo articoli più costosi, potresti prendere in considerazione l’utilizzo di un servizio di spedizione tracciabile o l’acquisto di un’assicurazione sulla spedizione. Non garantiamo che riceveremo l’articolo restituito.
Nessuna tassa inclusa per gli ordini al di fuori della Svizzera. Le tasse di importazione e dazi doganali possono essere applicate all’arrivo, in base alle leggi del paese.
Vi rendiamo attenti che i tempi di spedizione all’estero possono essere più lunghi di quelli indicati a causa dello sdoganamento.
Hai bisogno di aiuto?
Contattaci a per domande relative a rimborsi e resi.
Katia Rezzonico
Via vecchio tram 30
6964 Davesco-Soragno
Sito web:
Introductory article: Definitions
“Order(s)”: shall mean the order(s) of “Products” (refer to the definition hereunder) placed by Purchaser.
“Terms & Conditions”: shall mean this Terms & Conditions: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR ONLINE PURCHASES ON THE IUKI ONLINE E-SHOP –
“Workday(s)”: shall mean any calendar day other than Saturdays, Sundays and days which are deemed holidays in Switzerland during which IUKI’s offices are open for business.
“Delivery”: shall mean the delivery of “Products” (refer to the definition hereunder) included in an Order.
“Payment”: shall mean the payment of the price of the “Products” (refer to the definition hereunder) ordered by Purchaser
“Products”: shall mean in general all the products listed in this website, and whose characteristics and specifications are described under “” in this website.
“Personal use (Maximum Order Quantity)”: shall mean the maximum quantity of Products that IUKI warrants to deliver to Purchaser via online shop for each month, namely a maximum of 10 pro month, in accordance with the term: Personal use.
For request of orders of more than 10 pro month the Purchaser shall contact directly by e-mail IUKI in order to set up a specifically offer highlighting specific clauses.
“Delivery deadline”: shall mean the date on which IUKI will deliver the Products.
“Territory”: shall mean the territory of Switzerland
“Specifications”: shall mean all information setting forth the characteristics and specifications of the Products, of which Purchaser recognizes IUKI’s exclusive ownership.
“force majeure”: any circumstances which make impossible fulfillment of the Parties` contractual obligations (with no faults of the respective parties) arise from war, military operations of any kind, blockade, prohibition of export or import, geological problems of water supply, environmental circumstances (drought, fire, flood, earthquake, etc), government restrictions of all kinds that do not allow or limit the production and/or marketing of IUKI products in general (not only in the Territory).
Certificates issued by the respective Chamber of Commerce of Seller’s or Buyer’s country for circumstances in the relevant matter or any certificates issued by a competent respective Authority of Seller’s or Buyer’s country for circumstances in the relevant matter or certificates issued by a subject matter expert (e.g. a geologist) chosen by IUKI for circumstances in the relevant matter shall be sufficient proof of such circumstances and of their durability.
These general sale conditions apply to all offers, orders and contracts for the purchase of Products on the IUKI online e-shop ( ).
These Terms & Conditions prevail over the general conditions of a Purchaser which would be included or to which would be referred to in an order(s), in an e-mail or in another document. Any deviation from these Terms & Conditions is only valid if it has been previously approved by IUKI in writing.
Sales Offers / Orders
The sales offers for Products that can be purchased via the IUKI online e-shop are only applicable for purchase for Personal use (Maximum Order Quantity).
IUKI may refuse orders if there are indications that the quantities ordered or other elements indicate that they are not intended for personal use, if the quantities ordered exceed the Maximum Order Quantity or the products are no longer in stock or cannot be delivered within the time specified in the order. IUKI may refuse orders also if there are indications that the Purchaser is not 18 years old.
Sales offers including prices and delivery costs are only valid for the period specified on the website or in the IUKI online e-shop and, in any case, always subject to products availability.
Subject to the provisions of articles 2.1 to 2.3, an order can only give rise to a binding sales contract if the electronic order form has been fully filled in, the privacy policy has been read, the agreement with the conditions of sale has been confirmed by the Purchaser and the payment has been done.
Price and payment
The sales contract is concluded at the prices indicated at the time of placing the electronic order in the online e-shop for the products ordered. The prices indicated for the products are expressed in Swiss Francs and include VAT. Delivery costs are not included in the prices indicated for the products and are mentioned separately.
The price of the products purchased, including delivery costs, must be paid immediately online in full by the Purchaser.
Once payment has been received by IUKI, IUKI will deliver the ordered product.
All Payments must be made in CHF. Or EURO No deduction from the total amount shown on the online shop shall be effected.
IUKI agrees to deliver to the Purchaser the Products which the latter has ordered and paid for in accordance with the terms of this Terms and conditions.
The delivery of the ordered product will take place between 2 and 7 working days after receipt of the aforementioned (point 3.) payment. The delivery times indicated by the Purchaser in the electronic order form are only indicative. IUKI will make all reasonable efforts to meet the delivery date or period specified by IUKI.
Deliveries will be validly made to the address indicated in the electronic order form. In the event that an incorrect delivery address is provided by the Purchaser, IUKI may charge the Purchaser for additional delivery costs.
Risk and ownership
All risks (loss, damage, theft, …) in connection with the products included in Order will be borne by the Purchaser from the time the Product has been delivered by the seller to the carrier/shipping company.
The Transfer of ownership of the products to the Purchaser will take effect at the time of their delivery by the seller to the carrier/shipping company.
IUKI warrants that the Products will, at the time and place of their Delivery to the carrier/shipping company, conform to the characteristics and specifications described in the Specifications set forth in the Product Specifications of this web site.
Any complaint concerning the differences between the quantities ordered and the quantities delivered and concerning visible defects must be notified in writing to IUKI (via e-mail to ) no later than 14 working days from delivery.
Any defect in one or more Products concerning the quality of the Products must be communicated in writing to IUKI (via e-mail to ) no later than 14 workdays from delivery.
Upon expiry of the said 14 workday period, the Purchaser will be deemed to have received Products in a good state and meeting the current applicable Specifications set forth in this web site, and to have accepted receipt of the said Products.
Subject to, on the one hand, Purchaser’s written notification to IUKI within the above-mentioned deadline and, on the other hand, explicit recognition that the Products’ defect arises from facts exclusively attributable to IUKI, IUKI shall proceed, at its discretion, to replace or reimburse the defect Products at no charge for the Purchaser.
In the event of a reimbursement, the Purchaser will dispose of the defect Products recognized as non-compliant in accordance with the instructions provided by IUKI (either the destruction of the said Products or their return to IUKI) with the latter bearing all applicable expenses,
This replacement or reimbursement warranty within the conditions of the present article is the only warranty, be it explicit, implicit or legal, granted by IUKI to the Purchaser, all other warranties being excluded.
IUKI’s liability for any damage or loss suffered by the Purchaser as a result of a breach of sale contract, a breach of legal obligations or a wrongful act will be – regardless of the replacement or, at IUKI’s option, of the reimbursement of the price paid by the Purchaser for products proving to have a defect – in any case limited to an amount equal to the price paid by the Purchaser for those products proving to have a defect.
IUKI can under no circumstances be held liable for any indirect damage of any kind, whatever the cause and regardless of whether it results from a breach of sale contract or a violation of legal obligations or a wrongful act. Art. 197 ss. of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) shall apply.
Intellectual property rights
IUKI remains the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights relating to its products and packaging, including specifications.
Force majeure
IUKI is not responsible for any loss or damage that the Purchaser may suffer as a direct or indirect consequence of the fact that the delivery of the products is hindered or delayed or made impossible or considerably more difficult, more expensive or unprofitable by circumstances or events beyond IUKI’s reasonable control, including (but not limited to) force majeure.
Termination; Consequences of Contract Termination
Without prejudice to other rights, IUKI may terminate with immediate effect the sales contract(s) concluded with the Purchaser under this expressly resolutive clause in the event that the Purchaser is guilty of a contractual non-performance for which no repair is possible or, when a repair is possible, that the Purchaser has not rectified within ten (10) calendar days of receiving a reminder by e-mail or registered letter.
Either Parties has the right to terminate with immediate effect the sales contract(s) in the event a) one Party invokes one or more reasons for being subsequently unable to fulfil its obligations through no fault of its own (“force majeure”) and/or b) the other Party goes bankrupt (including notably in the event of procedures in order to reach an arrangement with creditors) or goes into liquidation and/or becomes insolvent pursuant to implementing laws applicable to each Party. Upon termination of the sales contract(s) following denunciation (refer to point 9.2 lit. a) of these Term&Conditions) of the same by either Party: neither Party shall have the right to any indemnity and/or compensation related to such termination.
A termination of the sales contract(s) in relation to point 9.2 lit. a) precludes the right to damages and interests and/or any other legal avenue available to the Terminating Party pursuant to applicable law or pursuant to these Term&Conditions.
A termination of the sales contract(s) in relation to point 9.1 and point 9.2 lit. b) shall not preclude the right to damages and interests and/or any other legal avenue available to the Terminating Party of the sales contract(s) pursuant to applicable law or pursuant to these Term&Conditions.
Unless otherwise provided in these Terms & Conditions, communications between the Parties may also be effected via e-mail.
These Terms & Conditions shall apply to each Order: the contractual provisions of these Terms & Conditions are intended to be integrated in each and every Order.
If one or more provisions in these Terms & Conditions shall be held to be void or invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable, and the Parties shall strive to find a new valid provision that is as close as possible to the purpose of the provision which has become void or invalid.
The failure or delay of a party to invoke a provision of these general conditions of sale cannot be interpreted as a waiver of this provision or of a right defined therein.
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms & Conditions and any Order associated with said Terms & Conditions shall be subject to Swiss law. The Parties agree that the UN Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods (concluded in Vienna on 11 April 1980) shall not be applicable.
In case of any litigation arising from and/or in relation to the interpretation, application and execution of this Agreement, the Parties hereby grant an exclusive jurisdiction to the competent court of Lugano, Switzerland.